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Fabulous foxes!

You may notice the change of name to the website. I will explain that in another post but as it is, it's a bit more apt these days.

Over the past few months I've found placement and transported two fox cubs that were handed in to a vets, both at different times. I also had the pleasure of caring for two very young cubs for a while, helping take the pressure off Woody's rescue. All these cubs were then moved to South Essex Wildlife Hospital. A huge thanks to them for taking them in.

I was also asked if I could help with a young fox, trapped in football netting in a lady's garden. The poor thing had the netting so tightly wrapped around one foot, but luckily hadn't been there too long. It took around 15 minutes to cut the netting loose, check the foot, clean it as it had minor scrapes and then make sure circulation was good, before release. This little one knew exactly where it wanted to go and didn't hang about.

** PLEASE lift or remove all netting when not in use. It causes such horrific injuries to our wildlife**

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